How To Make Sure Your Air Conditioner Runs Most Efficiently

Ensuring your air conditioner runs most efficiently this summer involves a few key steps. First, regularly clean or replace your filters to keep your HVAC air purification system in top condition. Schedule a professional HVAC service in Madison, AL, to inspect and tune-up your system, addressing any issues that could reduce efficiency. Additionally, keep the area around your outdoor unit free from debris and ensure your home is well-insulated. By taking these proactive measures, you can maximize your air conditioner’s performance, reduce energy consumption, and enjoy a cooler, more comfortable home throughout the hot summer months.

As the weather continues a hot streak this summer, it’s very important to make sure that your air conditioner is as efficient as it can be. Your air conditioning is a huge part of your energy costs during the summer months, so lowering your cooling costs can drastically lower all of your energy costs.

An efficient air conditioner will have to work less to cool your home, so you’ll have a more comfortable home for less money. No matter what type of AC unit you have in your home, there are steps you can take to make sure it’s always running at its best.

In some cases, you may need assistance from the professionals at Pharo Heating & Cooling, but here are some ways to make sure that you have the most efficient air conditioner possible:

Annual Tune-Ups

This first tip does require a professional–but it’s well worth it. You should have your air conditioner tuned up at least once a year. Our HVAC Contractors will find any minor repairs you may need and make sure your AC is as healthy as it can be. If you want to get the best performance and the longest lifespan from your air conditioner, tune-ups are the best thing you can do.

Deep Cleaning

Your air conditioning system distributes cold air throughout your home. If your air filter is dirty or clogged, you’ll lose a lot of your efficiency. Replacing your filter is an easy fix, and you’ll immediately see a huge difference in your energy bills. You’ll also have a much cleaner indoor air quality.

You should change or clean your air filters once every three months during the cooling season to save the most on your energy costs.

Get The Flue

If you have a chimney in your home, make sure the flue is sealed when you’re using any kind of air conditioning. This is frequently overlooked by homeowners, but lots of conditioned air can escape through a chimney.


Ceiling fans can help out a lot with the circulation of air, which can help maintain a cooler temperature and let your AC work a little less. For an even more efficient air conditioner, you can also use booster fans next to the vents to increase circulation.


In any rooms in your home that have appliances that produce heat, like the kitchen or bathroom, external ventilation fans can help move hot air outside, which will keep your entire home cooler. This takes a lot of the load off of your air conditioner and can drastically lower your energy costs.


Whether it’s your ducts, your windows, or your doors, any part of your home with any openings should be insulated for the most efficient air conditioner. It may be that older windows need repairs or even replacement in order to be adequately sealed. Making sure your air isn’t escaping from your home is a great way to improve efficiency.

It’s All In The Timing

When it comes to appliances that produce significant heat, try to only use them in the coolest parts of the day. Don’t cook with your oven or use your dishwasher until the evening. This will help keep your home cooler and take some pressure off of your home’s air conditioner on the hottest days.


Pharo Heating & Cooling is a full-service HVAC contractor in Madison. Our team provides top quality service for new construction and replacement furnace and air conditioner needs. For more information about annual furnace inspection or concerns, give us a call at 608-849-5410 or submit a contact form through our website.