Heating Season is Fast Approaching


A few tips as we face the first cool nights of fall. The heating season is almost upon us.

Turn Your Furnace On Before You Need It

Start your furnace early in the season. Every year most people wait until the cold weather has set in before they turn on their furnace only to find out that over the something isn’t working properly and they have no heat. We always receive a large number of service calls for furnaces on the first cold day of the fall. Take a few minutes today and turn on your system so you will be ready for the cold weather. If you have a problem, give us a call and get it fixed early.

Before starting your furnace, it’s a good idea to check your filter. Clean filters help your furnace operate at peak efficiency.

Every furnace install is different, so be sure to check a few other items as you power your furnace on the first time.

  • Make sure to switch thermostats over to HEAT mode
  • Check that the time is correct and make any adjustments to daily schedules
  • If you have summer/winter cold air returns, make sure to switch them to the cold season setting

Check Your Whole House Humidifier

Here are some steps to start your humidifier:

  • Turn on the water line to your humidifier
  • Check the evaporating pad – we recommend replacing annually
  • Some humidifiers have a by-pass damper, switch this from summer to winter
  • Turn on the humidifier with your humidistat control dial – this is usually located near your thermostat or by your furnace
  • Set the desired humidity level (usually between 25-40%)

As the weather gets colder, you may have to adjust your humidifier. If you are getting condensation on the inside of your windows, you may have to lower the setting on your humidifier.


This is a great time to remember to change the batteries on your thermostat, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.

Annual Maintenance

This is the best time to schedule the annual maintenance for your unit. To request service, please CONTACT US.

Here is our List of Furnace Tips to Keep in Mind During the Heating Season:

  1. Have your furnace professionally inspected and tuned-up annually to ensure safe, efficient operation before the cold weather arrives. A regular maintenance program is recommended for both the safe and efficient operation of your furnace. A properly maintained heating system works more efficiently, and reduces your energy usage.
  2. Keep the area around the furnace clear so that the air supply to the appliance is not blocked off. Make sure that you have no combustible materials near your gas furnace or gas water heater.
  3. Check your furnace filter monthly for maximum air cleaning efficiency. If you own an electronic air cleaner, follow manufacturer’s instructions on how to clean it. If you have a media filter and it is dirty, replace it. Dust and dirt can quickly clog vital parts, making your furnace run harder and eventually break down.
  4. Turning down your thermostat too far, could result in more energy being used to reheat the house than you might have saved. The thermostat should not be turned down more than 6 degrees below the normal household setting in the winter. As it gets colder outside, reduce the amount you set it back.
  5. If your furnace is 15 years or older, consider a replacement gas furnace. An old furnace, even in good condition, may use only 60% of the available heat to warm the house – forty cents of every heating dollar goes out the chimney. New high-efficiency furnaces are 94% efficient or higher. New furnace fans will also reduce your electricity bills. Other benefits of new equipment include higher property value and improved home comfort. We are happy to give you a free at-home evaluation of your heating system.


Pharo Heating and Cooling is a local HVAC Contractor in Madison, WI. Our team of HVAC professionals cover a broad range of services in commercial buildings, new home construction, and residential homes and locally represent Bryant Heating and Cooling Products. For more industry info, check our other posts on our company blog at www.PharoHeating.com.

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